Well wouldn't you know it! Saturday as a whole and my husband had already made other plans for me. So Saturday came and went and finally Sunday rolled around and I was extra determined to get to the bookstore to pick up my treasures. After, housework, gardening, scrubbing the children strollers, helping out with the chickens etc, ect. I finally snapped! I put my foot down and stated very clearly that I was going to take an hour to myself, to do what ever I pleased and I was not to be interrupted!.

I was by this stage, extremely impatient and as I sat at the lights, I closed my eyes in preparation to ground and center. Once I felt I had achieved both, I set the intention for the parking spot and wouldn't you know it. I opened my eyes just as the lights turned green, crossed the busy intersection and drove straight into a perfectly positioned parking spot less then 200 meters from the door of the bookshop. I was delighted! actually I feel that victorious is a word that would more appropriately mirrors the sentiment i felt in that moment.

I paid for it in record speed, lamenting all the while that my treasured little book store didn't yet have Pay Wave so that the whole process could have been much faster lol. With the package still on the sop counter I began opening it, scratching, peeling and I'm a little ashamed to say, tearing apart with my teeth, the plastic casing. FINALLY, I managed to open the tarot box with a firm tug on the white ribbon tab sticking out.

I began flicking through the deck, staring with the most amazing depiction of the fool I had thus far seen. Jo, was there with me and I shared each card with her and was in turn delighted to see that her reaction almost nearly mirrored my own. In truth I was a little concerned to share this one with others. It takes a particular type of person to really appreciate the intensity and obscure nature of this deck. It has a wonderfully rich yet peculiar energy to say the absolute least. And that little insight comes after only a day with this deck.
As I allowed the artwork to work its magick on my subconscious, I found that words began emerging, feelings soon followed. Mary-El was unlocking a door, one that I knew existed but never until this moment, felt ready to explore. The companion book is title landscapes of the abyss and a more fitting title could not exist, for that it just what I felt was occurring, an unlocking of that place within me that I have always seen as an abyss, but then again, so is the nature of darkness, one can never really see where it begins and where it ends.

More on this deck to follow, after a little bonding that is.
Much love and many blessings ~ Avalon
Mary - El Tarot Reveal
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